Internet Access

Available at all library branch sites for one 60 minute session per day on a first-come, first-served basis. Library staff may grant up to one additional 60 minute consecutive session if two or more computers are available, no one is waiting to use a computer, and group or high-demand use is not anticipated.

Black and white printouts are 25 cents per page. Color printouts are 50 cents per page where available.

Wireless Internet access is available at all library branch locations.

Internet Access
Policy Statement       

The Internet is an enormous and complex combination of computer networks that connect with each other to share information. The end result is a searchable database with a wealth of information.


Because the Internet is a vast and unregulated medium, the Library has no substantial control over the information, images, and content that may be accessed through the Internet. The Lonesome Pine Regional Library System is not responsible for the appropriateness, accuracy, authority, or timeliness of the content encountered on the Internet. In providing Internet resources, the role of the Library is access, not endorsement.


Internet information covers a wide range of subjects and unfortunately, some of the material may be found offensive and/or controversial.  In compliance with applicable state and federal legislation, the Library has installed software designed to filter sexually explicit content on Internet workstations.  Computer users need to be aware that filtering software is far from perfect. Even the best filtering software may allow some inappropriate content to pass through and, conversely, block appropriate sites from view.  Therefore, it is the responsibility of computer users to see that the Internet is used in a responsible and legal manner, consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which it is provided.


Users should be aware that the Internet is not a secure medium and that third parties may be able to obtain information regarding user’s activities in a variety of ways. However, Lonesome Pine Regional Library will not affirmatively release information on the use of specific Internet resources by members of the public except as required by law or as necessary for the proper operation of the Library.


User Guidelines

Patrons and employees will read and agree to the terms and conditions of the Internet Access Agreement. (See below.)

Patrons and employees will use headphones when working with multimedia programs.

Use of the Internet is available for one 60 minute session per person per day on a first come, first served basis to walk-in customers. Library staff may grant up to one additional 60 minute consecutive session if two or more computers are available, no one is waiting to use a computer, and group or high-demand use is not anticipated.

Patrons and employees are prohibited from using library computer equipment for the sending, receiving, viewing or downloading of illegal material via the Internet.

Patrons and employees will use the Internet in such a manner as to violate no state or federal copyright laws or engage in other unlawful activities.

Patrons and employees may not use the network to “hack” or make unauthorized entry into other computational, informational or communication services or resources.

Willful attempts to damage library computer equipment or software are prohibited.  This includes the intentional disabling of library software and other library technology protection measures as well as the intentional introduction of malicious programs to a library computer or the library network.

Patrons and employees will respect the privacy of other users by not interfering with their use.

Patrons and employees will exercise restraint and control in regard to displaying materials which might be harmful to minors.

Children must follow all library rules governing the use of the Internet.

The parents or legal guardians of minor children are responsible for their children’s use of the Library and its resources. As a part of this responsibility, parents and legal guardians are solely responsible for monitoring their minor children’s access to the Internet.  The Library does not have the right or responsibility to act in loco parentis (on behalf of the parent/guardian).

Parents and legal guardians should guide their children in use of the Internet.  Parents and children are encouraged to read the “Internet Safety” link on the library website. To help parents with this important responsibility, the Library has taken certain measures designed to assist in the safe and effective use of online resources by all minors:

A. To address the issue of safe and secure Internet access by minors to inappropriate material on the Internet, including material that is harmful to minors, the Library:

  • Develops and maintains special web sites for children and teens;
  • Encourages staff to guide minors away from materials that may be inappropriate; and,
  • Provides information on how to use library resources, including the Internet, in a safe, effective and efficient manner.

B.        To address the issue of the safety and security of minors when using electronic mail, chat rooms and other forms of direct electronic communications, as well as the unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors, library staff urges parents and minors to follow these safety guidelines:

  • Parents should explain to their children the dangers of sharing personal information about themselves or others over the Internet.
  • Children should ask a parent or guardian for permission before giving out personal information such as age, home address, school name, telephone number, or family information.
  • Children should tell a parent, guardian, or library staff member if anyone tries to arrange a face-to-face meeting over a library Internet computer.
  • Children should tell a parent, guardian or library staff member if someone writes an electronic message on a library computer that is suggestive, obscene, threatening, or makes them feel uncomfortable.
  • Report any concerns about Internet use to library staff.
  • Remember that people online may not be who they say they are.
  • Remember that not everything you read on the Internet is true.

  Library Responsibilities

The following control measures will be taken by the Lonesome Pine Regional Library System in order to (1) provide a suitable environment for Internet use, (2) prevent access by library patrons under the age of eighteen to harmful material and (3) protect other users from material which they might find objectionable or offensive:

1.         An Internet Access Agreement will be provided to patrons and employees in order to outline and explain the Library’s Internet Use Policy.

2.         Library staff will offer assistance and guidance as to the use of the library computer equipment and the library’s Internet Use Policy.

3.         Library staff will monitor the use of the computer equipment and will enforce the library’s Internet Use Policy.

4.         The Library has installed software on Internet workstations that is designed to filter sexually explicit content, child pornography, obscenity, and content deemed harmful to juveniles.

5.         The Library Board of Trustees has authorized all library employees to disable or otherwise bypass the content filter protection technology at the request of a library patron to enable access for bona fide research or other lawful purposes.


Violations of the Lonesome Pine Regional Library System’s Internet Access Use Policy may result in one or more of the following measures:

1.         Restricted or loss of access to the Internet.

2.         Restricted or loss of use of library computer equipment.

3.         Restricted or loss of use of all library facilities.

4.         Prosecution under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

  Internet Access Agreement

Each user must read the following in order to be provided access to the Internet connection at any library in the Lonesome Pine Regional Library System. Reading and continuing access to the Internet signifies agreement to the terms and conditions herein. The user understands and agrees to the following:

1.         The Internet is a free medium – no significant control can be exercised by the Lonesome Pine Regional Library or any other entity over its content.

2.         The Internet contains materials which some users may find inaccurate and/or offensive.

3.         In compliance with applicable state and federal legislation, the Library has installed software designed to filter sexually explicit content on Internet workstations.  Computer users need to be aware filtering software is far from perfect. Even the best filtering software may allow some inappropriate content to pass and, conversely, block appropriate sites from view.  Therefore, it is the responsibility of computer users to use the Internet in a responsible and legal manner, consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which it is provided.

4.         I, the patron (or parent/legal guardian of an underage Internet user), am solely responsible for my (or my child’s) use of the Internet, for any material which may be sent, and for any materials retrieved.

5.         I understand that children need guidance in Internet use. I agree that it is the parent’s/legal guardian’s responsibility to provide this guidance and not the libraries’ or any other agencies’. I understand that, as with all library material, it is library policy that parents or legal guardians must assume responsibility for deciding what resources are appropriate for their children. I agree that parents/legal guardians should so advise their children if there are materials which they do not want them to use. The parent/legal guardian of an underage user is solely responsible for the child’s use of the Internet, and agrees to hold the Lonesome Pine Regional Library System and its Internet carrier blameless for any information received or sent by the underage child.

6.         I agree to hold the Lonesome Pine Regional Library System and its Internet carrier blameless for any material, or lack of material, I (or my underage child) may find on the Internet.

7.         Internet users are encouraged to be critical consumers and to evaluate information carefully. Although the Internet offers access to many valuable sources of information, users must realize not all information is  accurate, authentic, current or complete. I  understand that the reliability of information contained in sources varies widely. It is the patron’s responsibility to verify the accuracy of recovered information. I further understand that the patron,    not the library or any other agency, is solely responsible for any use to which this information is put.

8.         To enable access for bona fide research or other lawful purposes that are in compliance with the Library’s Internet Access Use Policy, library staff may bypass the content filter protection software in response to patron requests.

9.         I agree to use library computer equipment and resources in a responsible and legal manner. I will not intentionally disable or circumvent library software and technology protection measures or introduce malicious programs to a library computer or the library network.

10.       The Lonesome Pine Regional Library System reserves the right to amend this Internet Access Use Policy in order to comply with state and federal laws.


Wireless Internet Access Policy         


Subject to availability, Lonesome Pine Regional Library provides wireless Internet access points or “hot spots” for users with portable computers or devices capable of receiving wireless signals.  These access points allow users to access the Internet from their own personal notebooks, laptops and other mobile wireless devices when sitting within range of the access points.

Use of the Internet over wireless access points in all areas within range of the connection is governed by the User Guidelines of Lonesome Pine Regional Library’s Internet Access Policy. By accessing the Internet through a wireless access point in the Library, the user has agreed to abide by the Library’s Internet Access Policy.   This policy prohibits illegal activity while using the Internet and provides examples of acceptable and unacceptable uses.  Wireless users are urged to read this document prior to accessing the Library’s network. Copies are available in wireless access point areas and at service desks in all libraries.

Library staff can provide general information on the settings necessary to access the Internet via the wireless access point connection, but cannot troubleshoot problems related to individual wireless devices or assist in making changes to a device’s network settings and/or hardware configuration.  The Library cannot guarantee that all devices will work with the Library’s wireless access point.  Please refer to your owner’s manual or other support services offered by your device manufacturer.

The Library cannot guarantee a secure connection to the Internet in a wireless environment, and users are advised to use the latest anti-virus protection, spyware and other standard protection software to prevent unauthorized access to their own wireless devices while they are in use. Wireless users are also advised not to transmit personal information such as credit card information, passwords and any other sensitive personal while using any wireless “hot spot.”  Please take appropriate precautions when using this service.

Lonesome Pine Regional Library assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment, data files, device configurations or security resulting from connection to the Library’s access point, network or the Internet, nor liability for any damages to hardware, software or data, however caused.

All wireless users are encouraged to use battery powered electronic devices.  Due to accident and damage considerations, use of the Library’s electrical outlets is limited to designated areas.  Information regarding these locations is available at library service desks.

Wireless users requiring sound must use headphones so as to not disturb others.  Headphones are supplied by the device owner.

Printing access is not available via the wireless connection.  Wireless users who need to print can save work on a portable storage device or email files to a personal web mail account and then login to a wired library workstation to print out information.

Wireless users should be certain that their laptops and other devices are secure at all times and should never be left unattended in the Library, even for brief periods of time.  Theft of such devices is not the responsibility of the Library.

Violation of the Library’s Wireless Internet Access Policy may result in the denial of access to wireless networks in all Lonesome Pine Regional Library branches.

Policy Adopted by the Lonesome Pine Regional Library Board of Trustees on June 4, 2009